eCommerce Platform And CRM System Integration

Mai Xuan Truong

Woocommerce and Magento have become both of the most popular eCommerce platform, providing businesses and developers with a free and easy way to creat an online web store. Their reputation and popularity grows dramatically – Woocommerce already powers over 20, 8%, While Magento CE holds 25,6 % and Magento EE holds 4,4 % of all eCommerce stores.

If your Magento or Woocommerce shop is running and orders are coming in. That’s great news! Surely you then know already that running a store is a pretty time consuming activity. So how does automating recurring tasks and saving valuable time sound to you? How would you like for example a fully automated eCommerce platform and CRM integration?

Optimizing your workflow and automate recurring task connected to your activity is the serect sauce which leads to more income. Think about automatically adding customers’s action to the CRM solution you are using. Those tasks should be fully automated and not take any of your available time, right?

But how do you automate this kind of tasks?

One great solution is use a module/ plugin/ extension can helps you connect your CRM system with eCommerce platform you are using. The module will synchronize all your data from your data to CRM system such as: customers, orders, products, invoices, and promotion campaigns.

Now you are wondering how does module can do that?

Let’s figure out, the integration empowers users to leverage more and more lucrative benefits, there by streamlining the work. Today, majority of the CRMs offers integration with an external access to their database using an Application Programming Interface (API). This API allows the system to enter and make use of the services provided by the connected system. For instance, it allows Magento/ Woocommerce to have an access of certain data lead’s from the CRM system and there by add it to a campaign.

The module offers users an infrastructure and an interactive front-end at the same time. It is a simple integration, which enables your brand to interact with customers through multiple channels.

Now you must be thinking what happens when we integrate e Commerce with CRM and what happens when we don’t do so.

Here is what happens:

Non-integrated System

Usually, most of the touch points belong to different channels which are not integrated, and in such cases data has to be fed in manually to the CRM. This demands for a handsome investment in the form of time, which is generally wasted. Moreover, as the work done manually by labour force, results are prone to errors.
In a non-integrated system, marketers have to face tough time to keep up with the order volume for the sales increase. Along with that the amount of time infused to migrate data into the CRM from another location can cripple the business. Moreover, the situation may cause delay and increase the chances of data intricacy.

eCommerce platform integration with CRM

When you use the module that integrate a store with a CRM, the procedure enables your store to have a two directional or bi-directional synchronization. For example, when a customer places an online order from a platform front-end, automatically the system updates the inventory of CRM. This result into an improves speed and accuracy of the data. However, bi-directional go far beyond these benefits.

Integration enables platforms to acquire data from different clouds such as sales, marketing, social network, customer service, human resources and others. This real time information on product prices, support, shipping, delivery and other key parameters. On the other hand, CRM can update itself in a near real time on critical parameters like sales volumes. It makes seamless transactions by keeping everyone in the loop and thereby improving decision making at all levels.

How can you track your customers with the connect between eCommerce platform and CRM?

The module lends considerable insights about customers and their transactions. They forecast the potential possibilities and threats accurately. Take for example in a case where a customer who comes to your website and leaves it without doing any favorable purchase. There may be two reasons: first, the visitor came to your website to seek more information or the second is that he did not get what he wanted. Which ever be the reason, this insight allows marketers to choose relevant data from the CRM and engage with insights appropriately.

Now, when the sales are made, it not only sends an alert to the marketers immediately, but also provides critical information that enables them to make effective up-sell and cross-sell frequency. It allows the CRM system to interact with the marketing suite and vice versa. Along with that, it pinpoints the de-duplicate leads, which have already been registered earlier. However, this keeps the CRM system, database as clean as possible and ensures sales reps that have the most up-to-date data on a lead.

Conclusion, if you are a Magento/ Woocommerce store manager, you should integrate your store to CRM, so buy a module can do that is the thing should be done! This is the reason Magenest designed modules connecting between eCommerce platform and CRM system. And if you are looking for the latest and greatest features, explore our Magento development services. Our professional developers and support team have everything that you need to thrive in today’s competitive eCommerce market. Get ready to take your business to the next level with our experience and expertise!

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