Compare Products with Magento 2 – Features Overview and How to Remove It

Mai Xuan Truong

When deciding between many related items, online shoppers choose to match pricing and other features side-by-side in order to choose the best products for them. Store owners can assist shoppers in making the correct decision by including the ability to compare products.

Allowing consumers to compare will make a huge difference if you have a wide shop with very related items.

Why Compare Products Are Important?

Not all shopping online is the same. Often we buy goods easily, without much effort and research online, such shopping is called unconsidered shopping. For example, you probably won’t spend a lot of time studying the features of a book, coloring crayons, or T-shirts in detail.

Why Compare Products Are Important in Magento?

However, sales that have a different character have been considered. This is particularly true of the medium-to-high-price compound items, which play an essential role in the characteristics of products – electronics and domestic devices, child goods, and sports equipment.

When a purchaser goes to a shop to buy a smartphone, the customer typically reduces the phone range by 2-5 first and then compares items to find the winner.

People think in the same way when they buy online. In an online shop, users can use layered navigation (faceted search) to limit their product selection, and then they can compare products with each other by compare product templates. Comparative tables display the features of many products in one place enabling you to identify the advantages and disadvantages of products easily.

So, whether you sell electronics, electrical appliances, sports facilities, children’s toys, or any home repair item, compare products online are essential element of the online shop. Comparison of your products lets your consumers make an educated decision.

Furthermore, a well-established compare products template can influence your sales because consumers can buy more if they see a good product at a good price, and a comparison of the product helps to find it.

The good news is that the product comparison feature is included in Magento compare products, especially compare products Magento 2.

What Is Magento Compare Products?

Magento and Magento 2 compare product features that can be used for the public to compare all of their products. The table template for comparison shows the properties and features of the goods they choose, which allows users to quickly identify product advantages and disadvantages.

What Is Magento Compare Products?

The criteria that compare products are following include the description of the best qualities and features of the products, the short description, suitable activities, gender, and the year of products. These compare products tables also present the rating of customers using each product. 

A well-managed comparison table can also drive sales because consumers may purchase a product better than others.

Compare Product Features

Compare products site is a useful function of Magento that lets consumers compare products with their quality and characteristics and find the right product to buy. However, there is still room for perfection and the business can make the product comparison phase in their web-built shop unbelievably better and quicker for their clients with Magento’s new advanced compare product features.

  • Various modes to compare various types of attributes. The module’s comparison methods are various: you can render products with the maximum or the minimum number of compared attributes as the best or the worst in the list by the number of their attributes, by the value of comparable attributions, by their place in the list and by the other methods.
  • The comparison table highlights the best strengths and features. This facilitates the comparison process and lets the customers more effectively sort out the best products.
  • The complete starred summary allows you to find the right product quickly. Each product is given a star rating at the bottom of the comparison chart as a summary result for all comparison attributes.
  • An easy-to-use rating distribution system across attribute choices. The comparison scheme is based on the values you can assign in the administration settings to each product attribute. The module compares each product’s values and then determines the star rating of each product.

These all compare product features above allowing the comparison process to be easily adapted. Store admins should determine which attribute, the comparative criteria, and each attribute’s significance for the results will be taken into account. The comparison method is much more versatile and can easily be controlled by store administrators with these features.

Compare Product Prices Online

Compare product prices in the marketplace where multiple sellers can add and sell a different price to the same product, already in the global catalog. As managers, sellers, and even their customers, it brings many powerful functions.

  • Working with 5 different types of Magento products
  • Allowing having multiple vendors/sellers for a single product
  • Having a powerful management system
  • One-click customization setting
  • Useful price comparison
  • Convenient seller comparison
  • Functional eCommerce product page
  • Easy assigned products management
  • Optimized assigned product searching
  • Full-control assigned product list
  • Informative product showing
  • Multiple images adding

Advantages of Magento Compare Products

The Compare Products feature in Magento is an invaluable tool for both online businesses and their customers. It provides a straightforward mechanism to juxtapose different items side-by-side, simplifying the decision-making process.

With the digital space brimming with countless products, having such a comparison tool becomes essential to enhance the user experience and, ultimately, sales conversions. Let’s delve into the specific benefits of this feature:

  • Salient Add to compare button to both category and product page
  • Check the attributes in a comparison table
  • Simply exclude items from the list
  • Price and add-to-cart buttons in excellent points
  • Display product ratings
  • Available Print button

Disadvantages of Magento Compare Products

While Magento’s Compare Products feature offers a convenient way for customers to evaluate products side by side, it’s not without its drawbacks. These disadvantages may affect both the user experience and the store’s performance. Here’s a closer look at some of the downsides associated with this feature.

Disadvantages of Magento compare products
  • Not friendly to mobile users
  • The removal of a product from the website triggers the reloading of a tab
  • Cannot mask comparable product features
  • Yes/No text attributes, not icons appear.
  • When you add items to a comparison table, the page is reloaded. Because of slowness, it creates an awkward user experience.

How to Provide Sufficient Information and Increase Purchasing Power with eCommerce Compare Products

Product Photos

  • Use HD images: Pictures are talking a lot. Images give your consumers a lasting image of your company. Therefore, it becomes necessary to use an HD image to display your product.
  • Displayed all views (top, right, and down): Not only does an image stop, but even a picture has to be shown to the top, to the bottom, left, and right to allow the customer to look at the image in full.
  • Put it next to the data for the product: Positioning the image next to the product information gives the product more credibility as the consumer can easily compare the image and display the product details.
  • Have a zoomed picture over the image on the mouse: Customers often like to zoom in on a picture to look at the subtle features. Therefore, when the mouse is rolling across the product picture, an option should be provided to zoom the image.

Product Information

  • Bigger and brighter caption: Submission is the first way to make the public aware of the product. Improve the title to add luminosity and make it bold.
  • Include brand name: The identity of your product is your brand name. Thus it becomes essential to mention a brand name.
  • Online price display MRP: MRP and price online (after rebates) must be displayed to make clear to customers that the commodity is available at a better price than before, which is affordable.
  • Put in stock availability details: For eCommerce compare products, the stock availability of a product should always be mentioned so that the consumer can determine whether the product can be purchased straight away whether the stock is small or after a while, as required.
  • Provide descriptions of shipping: Inform the consumer of the specifics of the delivery, the number of days, and extra costs.

Benefits of the Products

  • Write down the product advantages: A product will not sell any benefits only if it has an HD picture and definition and the consumer is aware of the benefits. Specify the advantages point by point.
  • List the elements/components: Refer separately to the components or elements that are part of the product.
  • Give advice: Your purchaser is happy to have some cheap and logical tips.

Tone of Writing

  • Simple and user-friendly: Use plain and user-friendly language that is very helpful even for a layman so the product is easily understood and has more sales benefits.
  • Often use bullet: The best way to make the viewer happy when reading the product is to provide the product summary or information in bulletins.
  • Special features are emphasized: Emphasize the essential features and subtitles that help the purchaser choose a product to purchase, and see the emphasized ones at first glance.
  • Present it readable: The public likes your website and the product will still have readable text and make them come back in the future.

Magento 2 Compare Products Disabled

There are several online shops that do not require a comparison table, especially sites that sell cheap goods such as equipment, clothing, shoes, food, etc.

In Magento Open Source, however, Magento 2 compare products disabled automatically. Using the Admin sidebar configuration cannot deactivate it. To edit certain fundamental codes. We’re going to assist you now.

Step 1: Remove Compare Products in Magento 2 at all places at frontends such as Header, Product, Category pages, and Layer Navigation.

Step 2: Add the following XML instruction to your theme in app/design/frontend/Theme_Vendor/Theme_Name/Magento_Catalog/layout/default.xm:

<?xml version="1.0"?> 

<page xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:View/Layout/etc/page_configuration.xsd">


<referenceBlock name="" remove="true" />

<referenceBlock name="" remove="true"/>

<referenceBlock name="" remove="true"/>

<referenceBlock name="" remove="true" />

<referenceBlock name="" remove="true" />



Step 3: Set $showCompare variable to false in the following templates:

Magento/Catalog/view/frontend/templates/product/widget/new/content/new_grid.phtml Magento/Catalog/view/frontend/templates/product/widget/new/content/new_list.phtml

Final words

Compare products Magento is not too hard to manage if you follow this article in every move. This functionality allows the consumers to compare related items. Buyers will appreciate this convenience and return to your store with all of their upcoming purchases.

A price comparison function assists a consumer in matching goods with identical properties but different qualities. This way, you will assist your clients in locating the best product for all of their needs. However, configuring this feature on your own in the Magento store may be a daunting task, you might need help you experts and you can hire a Magento development service.

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