Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam Overview

Mai Xuan Truong

At the moment, Magento is appreciated as the best eCommerce platform in the world. The Magento Adobe company always strives to improve its product and seriously cares about its developer community education. For that reason, Magento developers take different certification exams to prove their knowledge about the platform, one of them being Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam Overview

Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer is designed for developers who are proficient in Magento 2 development concepts and have over 1.5 years of experience in customizing and implementing the platform. Plus, the questions are designed to check the necessary skills to customize Magento 2 in lots of areas like admin modifications, UI modifications, and more. 

Definition of Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam

The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam is a certification program designed to measure the candidate’s proficiency in Magento 2 development. It is intended for developers who have experience with Magento 2 and want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the field. The exam covers a wide range of topics related to Magento 2 development, including customization techniques, request flow processing, working with databases, developing with Admin HTML, customizing the catalog and checkout process, sales operations, and customer management.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam Definition

The exam is developed and administered by Magento, a leading provider of eCommerce solutions. The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam is a widely recognized certification in the industry and is highly valued by employers who seek qualified Magento developers.

The certification is available in three different levels: Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer, Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer, and Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus. Each level has its own set of requirements and is designed for developers with different levels of experience and skills.

Importance of Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification

The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification is an important credential for developers who want to demonstrate their expertise in Magento 2 development. Here are some reasons why obtaining this certification is important:

  • Validation of skills and knowledge: The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification is a validation of the candidate’s skills and knowledge in Magento 2 development. It demonstrates that the candidate has a deep understanding of Magento 2 architecture, customization techniques, and development best practices.
  • Career advancement: Obtaining the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification can lead to career advancement opportunities. Employers often look for certified developers to fill positions that require expertise in Magento 2 development. With this certification, developers can increase their chances of finding better job opportunities and advancing their careers.
  • Competitive edge in the job market: The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification can give developers a competitive edge in the job market. It sets them apart from other candidates who do not have the certification and shows their commitment to excellence in Magento 2 development.
  • Trust and credibility: The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification is a trusted and credible credential in the industry. It is developed and administered by Magento, a leading provider of e-commerce solutions. Employers can trust that certified developers have the skills and knowledge needed to develop high-quality Magento 2 applications.
  • Personal satisfaction: Obtaining the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification can provide a sense of personal satisfaction and accomplishment. It demonstrates that the developer has invested time and effort in developing their skills and has achieved a significant milestone in their career.

Format of the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam

  • The exam lasts for 90 minutes.
  • It can be passed online.
  • 60 questions.
  • To pass it, you must score at least 64%.

Additionally, there are other Magento certifications both for developers and managers working with the platform: Magento 2 Certified Solution Specialist, Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus, Magento 2 certified professional javascript Developer, and others.

Format of the Magento 2 certified professional developer exam

All these Magento exams are significant, simply because it is a great way to prove that developers have enough Magento 2 development experience and knowledge. Magento Certificates are the key to winning clients’ trust. It can become a deciding factor in making a choice whether to hire a development team or not. So, if you have a certificate, you will prove your ability to employers, and your client can rely on your experience while you win their loyalty.

Areas Included in the Exam

If you want to pass the Magento 2 Certified exam, definitely you have to know what tasks you will manage and how to prepare. The exam is divided into ten sections with a view to testing the professional skills of a developer from different angles. The sections are as follows:

Customization Techniques and Magento Architecture:

Describing Magento’s module-based architecture and directory structure, utilizing configuration XML and variables scope, the CLI, configuring event observers and scheduled jobs additionally demonstrate how to use dependency injection and even the ability to use plugins and manage the cache.

Request Flow Processing

This section aims at testing your ability to utilize modes and application initialization, determine the layout initialization process, demonstrate the ability to process URLs in Magento, and customize request routing.

Customizing the Magento UI

The section is designed with a view to checking your ability to utilize themes and the template structure as well as using layout and XML schema. You have to show how to utilize JavaScript in Magento and determine how to use blocks.

Working with Databases in Magento

In this section, you have to demonstrate the ability to use data-related classes along with install and upgrade scripts.

Using the Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) Model

This section is designed for you to demonstrate the ability to use EAV model concepts and manage attributes.

Developing with Admin HTML

In this section, there are the following tasks describe common structure/architecture, system configuration XML, and configuration scope.

Customizing the Catalog

In this section,  you have to demonstrate the ability to use products and product types, describe price functionality, determine and manage catalog rules additionally show the ability to use and customize categories.

Customizing the Checkout Process

This section is designed for you to demonstrate the ability to use a quote item, and shopping cart rules in checkout as well as totals models. Furthermore, you have to show how to customize the shopping cart and shipping and payment methods.

Sales Operations

This task is designed with a view to demonstrating your abilities to customize sales operations.

Customer Management

In this section,  you have to demonstrate the ability to customize My Account and custom functionality.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Front-End Developer

Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer exam is designed for you to easily validate your skills and experiences needed to understand both the theming components and the way the user interface is modified according to best practices.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Front-End Developer

All of it is based on the Magento theme creation and customization. Thus, you need to be familiar with Magento 2 templates, JavaScript, CSS, layouts, and numerous other components of the front end. You may even cope with the necessity to work with site translations during the exam. Moreover, be ready to show how well you understand the Magento 2 Admin panel: the Magento 2 Certified Professional Front End Developer exam requires the knowledge of how to use it to implement design-related system configurations and modify the appearance of specific pages.

The required experience as a Magento 2 front-end developer is at least 1.5 years. Also, pay attention to the information about Magento 2 Certified Professional Front-End Developer exam:

  • 60 Multiple Choice Questions (front-end developer questions).
  • 90 minutes.
  • 63% or higher is needed to pass the exam.
  • Based on Magento Open Source and Magento Commerce, applicable to those using any version of Magento 2.
  • No hard copy or online materials are allowed during the exam.

To pass the exam, we highly recommend you follow this free guide: Magento 2 Certified Front End Developer Exam Study Guide. It describes the following topics:

  • Magento Configuration System;
  • Create Themes;
  • Layout XML in Themes;
  • Static Asset Deployment;
  • Create the Look and Interface of Specific Magento Pages;
  • Internalizing Frontend Pages;
  • Magento Development Process.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus

The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus is the exam aimed at a senior developer who not only possesses in-depth expertise in Magento Commerce customization but also had experience in leading development teams and projects, interacting with clients on project requirements, and being responsible for important technical decisions. To pass the exam, the examinee should prove the knowledge and skills required: core architecture and Magento Commerce features, UI modifications, and security. Additionally, the exam validates a deep understanding of the crucial Magento areas such as quote operations, checkout, and price calculation. Also, the ability to assess the influence of customizations and make decisions regarding Magento architecture.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus

Because of the level of Magento competence, it is obtained through hard-earned work and participation in numerous projects. Developers who want to take part in the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus exam need at least two years of experience. The exam is based on the Magento Commerce 2.2.x version, which is highly up-to-date and relevant.

Take Note of Some Information About the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam

  • 90 minutes.
  • 60 multiple-choice questions are scenario-based, meaning that a person should select a solution to a problem or the best way to achieve a certain result.
  • You can take the exam in a specialized Magento test center or online
  • To pass the exam, one must score 63% or higher.
  • If a person fails, they are allowed to take repetitive tries at the exam for a reduced voucher price.
  • There are 9 topics in the exam. Each of them consists of an unequal number of questions, and the larger the scope of the topic is, the more questions it includes.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Plus Study Guide

We highly recommend these resources which can help you prepare for the exam:

  • The official study guide.
  • Training can help with the certification as well. For example, individual training can be held with a focus on certification. In addition, there are a lot of websites that provide Magento 2 certified professional developers plus dump questions. On the other hand, training gives you the basics mostly, while you will need first-hand experience with actual Magento 2 projects to pass this exam.

What Do You Need to Prepare for Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer?

All developers wish to see the word pass on the screen after they’ve completed the Magento 2 Professional Developer Certification exam. Striving to reach the goal, Magento developers always look for guides and answers on how to prepare perfectly for the exam. To be honest, this exam is rather difficult and you need to work so hard if you want to pass it on the first try.

What Do You Need to Prepare for Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer

The easiest way to prepare for the exam is to research Magento 2 certified professional developer full course or online guides and tutorials. There are a number of guides written by different developers and Magento experts. But note that you should be careful and always make sure that the source you consult is trustworthy. You might find outdated or even inadequate information and, as a consequence, fail the exam, and lose time and money. Moreover, the exam format has changed over the years, you should select trustworthy sources to read and follow if you don’t want to lose time and money, and then, have a bad result. 

So, what to do, how to prepare for your upcoming exam? Let’s see!

Documents for the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam

Remember that Magento always cares about its developer community and offers a study guide. On the official Magento website, you can find and download a certification study guide for free. Usually, this guide by itself is mainly helpful for Magento developers with a lot of practical experience. It contains the exam’s questions but no answers are provided. If you want to check your work, you have to compare the list of questions from the official website with the answers explained by third-party teams. Be careful when checking with other answers. Make sure to check that the answers are provided by people who have passed the certification themselves.

Researching for Magento 2 certified professional developer exam questions and Magento 2 certified professional developer dump can be a great way to prepare for the last exam. 

We want to recommend to you some documentation below to prepare for the exam:

Some exciting YouTube channels:

  • Max Pronko.
  • SwiftOtter, Inc.

Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam Question set: This book contains 50 sample questions for this exam which are curated by certified developers.

Do Some Practical Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Project

Besides, the experience of real projects also plays a crucial role to get the certification, for example:

  • Build Magento 2 modules that are used for real projects.
  • Look for Magento 2 technical blogs.
  • Understanding how to Customize Shopping Cart, Checkout, Payment, and Sales functionalities work.
  • Study Magento admin with a view to understanding how it works and what configuration settings are available.

Training Skills for the Exam

In addition, I want to mention some essential soft skills you should have during the preparation:

  • Reading skill: This exam is in English, therefore you need to have good reading skills to easily understand keywords and the main idea of each question. In fact, not only for this exam but at work, every programmer needs to level up their English every day.
  • Time allocation: The Magento 2 certification exam consists of 60 questions with a total time of 90 minutes. To effectively complete the test, we highly recommend that you should spend about 1.5 minutes maximum for each question. Besides, there are a lot of multiple questions, you should read carefully to choose the most correct answers.

Some Notes

The question may be essentially more complicated without the reference to choosing two answers. Definitely, a real professional doesn’t need such prompts, but they are everywhere in the exam. There is nothing over-complicated in the exam.

You can look for more questions and answers to them with links to corresponding parts of the developer documentation in the study guide. Since you have a fundamental goal – to become a Certified Professional Magento 2 developer, we don’t want to waste your time anymore. Be diligent and painstaking on your way to it!


The Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Exam is an important certification program designed to measure the candidate’s proficiency in Magento 2 development. This certification is valuable for developers who want to demonstrate their skills and knowledge in the field, gain a competitive edge in the job market, and advance their careers. The exam covers a wide range of topics related to Magento 2 development, and passing it requires a deep understanding of Magento 2 architecture, customization techniques, and development best practices. Obtaining the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification can provide a sense of personal satisfaction and accomplishment, as well as enhance the candidate’s trust and credibility in the industry. Overall, the Magento 2 Certified Professional Developer Certification is an excellent investment for developers who want to excel in Magento 2 development and achieve their career goals.

Are you looking for a reliable and experienced Magento 2 development services? Magenest is a leading provider of Magento development services, offering a wide range of solutions to help businesses succeed online. Whether you need custom development, integrations, or ongoing support, our team of certified Magento developers has the expertise and experience needed to help you achieve your goals. To learn more about our services and how we can help your business grow, click the link below to visit our website and get in touch with us today!

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