Blog Ideas for E-commerce

Mai Xuan Truong

All e-merchants want to attract customers to their site and thus they spend a large amount of expenditure on marketing via multiple channels. But do you know that your blog is a valuable channel too? Well, you don’t need to answer this rhetorical question; because a blog is a wonderful marketing tool for sure. The content of the blog improves SEO which leads to a higher rank in search engines. If you are still wondering which blog topics are appropriate, may I give you some blog ideas?

Blog ideas based on your industry


It’s common sense to update your audiences about the latest trend in your industry. The reason is that most of your inventory and products will be based on this trend, thus giving your customers a bit of orientation will kindle their excitement for new stocks. If you are a beauty supplier, a blog dedicated to the latest make-up trend from the runway is an enjoyable one to read.

Remarkable event

This is indeed one of the most effective topics when it comes to luring customers to your site. Whenever an event happens, there is a likelihood that customers might try to investigate more precisely about it by going on search engines such as Google. Therefore, the faster you catch the event, the higher rank your site stands within search results. For instance, Alexander Wang is leaving Balenciaga is worth mentioning if your business is in high fashion background.

Blog ideas based on your product

Promotion products

Obviously, promotion products need to be highlighted and your blog is a great playground to do it. Your post can be a notification about promotion plan, more detailed information, and features of promoted item along with eye-catching images of products.

Blog ideas to promote best selling items

Your best ones are prominent candidates for customers to purchase for the first time. Turning your blog into a showcase to give your customers a fast easy path to your best is a brilliant idea. Moreover, this topic is simple to write and read at the same time. The reason are that store admin can effortlessly identify the best selling items based on sale record and listing content type tends to captivate readers the most since it’s easy to follow.

Upcoming products

Presenting your upcoming products in blog page is a great advertising channel with text and images. This will create customers’ excitement effect while waiting for those items to arrive. Also, it informs customers about what your firm is up to.


For fast consumer goods, a tutorial is not a necessity. However, with more complex products such as computer software, a guidance article will be appreciated by consumers. For example, a “how to add configurable product in Magento 2 platform” can make a sound title for your next week post.

Blog ideas based on your team

Information about your firm

An entire article about changes and improvement in your firm is a great way to express yourselves to audiences. You can think of changes in company structure, new working methods adopted, or a New Year rewind campaign among organizations.

Blog ideas that fit your personnel

Why not introduce your own people to your customers? Customers may get curious about behind the scene, the people that they deal with. Writing a post about your specialist may give your customers a clearer picture of your company which will make them feel more relatable and enhance customer relationships. For example, fashion retailers can blog about one of their stylists and his/her top picks from current inventory.

Your customer

Yep, why not give your customer a sought out for their business? This idea is more suitable for B2B business when the company knows their customers better and the link between the two is more knitted.


New trends in E-commerce or tips-and-tricks are both interesting subjects to write about. A trend report on E-commerce can refresh the vibe of your blog and catch customer’s interest. Also, this is a sign indicating that you are on top of the game when you have the knowledge and your information is updated.

Hopefully, you can find some interesting ideas from above. You may not have time to update your blog frequently but it’s better to write a little update than never. However, no matter what you write about, pay attention to your content and writing because customers will appreciate a well-composed and written piece.

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